Saturday, November 22, 2008

Voice inside my Head

That is what I've become since I haven't been able to speak since Wendesday. Since I cannot talk to the outside world, I find myself thinking a lot. This will be my first Thanksgiving Holiday as a vegan. Although I have been vegetarian since 2002, I've always depended on my macaroni and cheese and Quorn turkey (also off limits now) to make me feel like it's really the holidays even when I'm away from my family. I spent last Thanksgiving with a vegetarian friend and I didn't miss the macaroni and cheese because we made so many other wonderful dishes. It was a great experience. Unfortunately, this year, I'm alone, and if I don't have my voice back by then, I'll mean that in more ways than one. It's difficult to get excited about cooking a bunch of food when I'm going to be the only person around to eat it. I mean, I love left overs, but there's a limit... So I find myself trying to figure out exactly what I can make that will leave me with the feeling I've had a holiday feast without having to eat the same thing till January! Here's my current plan:
  • Mom's cranberry sauce - I'll have to remember to ask her for the recipe
  • Puff Pastry Cornucopias w/roasted vegetables - I figure I can control how much I make by being picky about the vegetables I use
  • Stuffing - maybe even from scratch
  • Tofurky Gravy - or maybe some from Whole Foods
  • Tofuky Turkey & Cranberry Deli Slices - for the feeling of turkey without so much of it
  • Pie - if I make it - chocolate peanut butter or cheesecake, if I buy it - apple or peach

At least it's a plan... we'll see how it goes!

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