Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gluten-Free is okay with me

Gluten is not the hardest thing in the world to avoid if you're already vegan. The hardest things so far have been avoiding soy and corn and realizing that I cannot eat out for a while. There are certain places that will fix food for me, but a lot of places that cater to gluten free eaters do so by using corn or soy.

I'm enjoying amazing salads, homemade sweet potato fries, and Sunshine burgers (soy, corn, wheat and gluten free - just like me). Sunshine burgers are high in sodium but it's from sea salt and there isn't much salt in the rest of my diet. Tomorrow I'm going to make kale chips - yummy. I also went out and bought Living Raw Food by Sarma Melngailis. I cannot wait to make some of the amazing recipes in her book. I love it because she has lots of pictures to help me decide what I want and how it should look when it is done. She also has a great website - one lucky duck - with products to help you make what's her book and info on her restaurant. So far, so good...